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If you haven't taken the opportunity to introduce green energy into your life, you are missing out. Green energy is cheaper, safer, and cleaner than traditional sources of energy, and it can also save you money over time. Here are some really smart ways to start using green energy to your advantage.

Lower heating costs with solar heating systems for your pools or hot tubs. Traditional gas and electricity are not that are led flood lights worth the money efficient, but solar-powered water heaters glean the sun's natural energy to maintain even temperatures. These upgrades may cost more, but qualify for tax deductions, too.

Try using energy efficient light bulbs or even LED lights in your home to cut costs for lighting. Turning off the lights when you are not in the room also helps to save energy. Keep this in mind when you are leaving home, as simply turning off the lights saves a lot of energy!

When shopping for new appliances, choose the ones where the energy star rating is in the most efficient range. Even if you cannot afford new appliances, you can choose new parts for your old appliances that are much more efficient and will help your old appliances save money and energy like new ones.

Take the time to dry your clothes naturally. The dryer in your home takes up a lot of energy and it is quite simple to just hang your clothes and allow them to air dry. If you do need to use the dryer, then be sure to clean out the lint to help it work more efficiently.

Turn off all appliances. When not using appliances in your home, make it a habit to turn them off when not in use. Items such as televisions, computers, and lights should all be off so you can prevent unwanted energy use. Not only is this good for using less energy, your electric bill will be much less too!

One way to save energy is to limit the use of electrical heaters in the winter. A fireplace for the living area, wearing warmer clothing and purchasing some slippers are all greener ways of keeping the family warm. An additional benefit to limiting the amount of electrical heaters is that it helps prevent your airways from becoming dry, resulting in better breathing.

One of the cheapest and easiest ways to make your home more energy efficient is by replacing all of your standard light bulbs with green versions. Not only do such bulbs reduce your energy bill through lower wattage and higher efficiency, but these bulbs are also made to last longer, giving you a two-fold return for your investment.


Avoid turning the heat up in your home unless you have to. If it is a little chilly, simply put on a sweatshirt, and pair of sweatpants. When heat is raised to a higher level you end up using a lot of energy you didn't really need to use.

You do not have to leave your electronics behind to live a green lifestyle. Recharge your electronics with solar chargers and you no longer have to be concerned with your electronics being a drain on the environment. It is a small investment that pays off quickly in electric bills and a guilt-free conscience.

When you decorate a tree or the exterior of your home for the holidays, choose LED light strands instead of regular lights. Over two billion kilowatt power hours can be saved! The U.S. Department of Energy says we could save over 2 billion kilowatt hours of power if everyone made this change. This amount of electricity would provide power for 200,000 homes for a year. At least, you can save money on your electricity!

A great tip to help save energy is to utilize daylight in your house. Rather than turning on your lights during the day, open up your shades, and let the sun naturally light up your home. You may even want to consider installing a skylight to really help illuminate your home.

If you would like to save the environment, remember that it can be done in small steps as well as big ones. You might not be capable of spending lots of money in going green, but there are simple things that you could do such as cleaning your furnace's filters each month or by setting your heat at sixty degrees when you are not at home. Lowering the temperature of the water heater to 120 degrees will save you money too. No change is too small.

A common habit that uses energy is not turning off lights, appliances, and other things when they aren't in use. If everyone did this, a lot of energy and money could be saved. Get in the habit of turning things off. When leaving a room, turn off the lights. Shut down the computer monitor when you are finished with it.

Make sure your dishwasher, washing machine, and clothes dryer are full (but not overfilled) prior to using them. This saves a lot of water and detergent with each load of wash. Also check the settings on these machines. If you have a small load, make sure the setting for small loads is being used.

Green energy is not a priority everywhere. If you feel like you are not getting the help you need to set up your alternative energy solution, find out more about regulations and incentives in other towns or states. Moving to a nearby town or relocating in a different state might be a good idea.

Ceiling fans can help keep your home warm during the winter months. Putting them clockwise can get rid of the warm air that flows toward your ceiling, which decreases the amount of heating you need. The little electricity used to run your fan is offset by what you save with your energy costs due to needing the furnace less often.


Be sure to check the insulation levels in the areas around your house. Insulation helps keep the warm air out in the summer months and the cold air out in the winter months. Places that you should check include your attic, crawl spaces, all exterior and basement walls, ceilings and floors.

Your washing machine can be useful in utilizing green energy. When you want to wash clothes, only do so when you have a full load of clothes. Waiting until you have full load ensures that you will not use your machine as often, meaning you will use less energy and water.

Now that you have gone through the tips in this article, make sure you use them. When you do, you will find that green living can be easy, and that green energy is, in many respects, preferred. Take action and start putting green energy into your life, as soon as today!